Process and Preview an LLS Dataset

This plugin allows users to load, process (e.g., deskew) and preview an entire LLSM dataset.

  1. Run Plugins → LLSM → Preview Dataset...
  2. Select an input directory containing a raw LLSM data (i.e., TIFF series + metadata file).
  3. Input deskewing parameters (Fig 2. and Table 2).
  4. Click OK.

Preview Dataset

Figure 1: Preview Dataset Parameters GUI

Table 1: Preview Dataset Parameters

Name Parameter Description
Input Path to input dataset folder
X/Y Voxel Size Physical X and Y voxel size
Img Container Type imglib2 offers several Img container types, which have different performance characteristics (i.e., access rates and memory usage). The default is CellImg, which is conservative with memory usage but has some cost in access performance. ArrayImg offers the best access performance, but all image data is stored in memory
Interpolation Scheme1 Type of interpolation used for when shearing factor is not equivalent to the pixel size
Preview in BigDataViewer Flag to specify whether to preview the dataset in the BigDataViewer or in standard ImageJ HyperStack.

1Further information about interpolation schemes can be found in Deskew Information

Deskew and preview a single stack

This plugin is generally not all that useful but does give you a quick way to deskew and visualise a single stack (i.e., timepoint or channel) without loading the whole dataset.

  1. Start by opening a single stack in Fiji.
  2. Run Plugins → LLSM → Deskew Single Stack
  3. Enter parameters for deskewing (see Fig. 2 and Table 2)
  4. Click OK.

Deskew Single Stack

Figure 2: Deskew Single Stack Parameters GUI

Table 2: Deskew Single Stack Parameters

Name Parameter Description
X/Y Voxel Size Physical size of X and Y in voxel
Sample Piezo Increment Interval of the sample piezo stage for each Z slice
Img Container Type imglib2 offers several Img container types. Each have different performance characteristics in terms of access rates and memory usage. By default the CellImg is used, which is conservative with memory usage but has some cost in performance. ArrayImg offers best access performance, but all image data is stored in memory
Interpolation Scheme1 Type of interpolation used for when shearing factor is not equivalent to the pixel size

1Further information about interpolation schemes can be found in Deskew Information